Understanding How to Produce Seedlings in Paperpot with quality

Understanding the Root System

Good root systems start in the nursery:

In the rooting and propagation stage, the Containers/Pots, substrates, trays, irrigation, luminosity, temperature, among other parameters, will influence the quality of the future plant. In order to have a good root system, it is necessary to understand their development in the different containers, in this case the aerial pruning, Paper-Pot.

The main functions
of the roots are:
As for the origin
of the root we have:

As for the environment, we will only consider the terrestrial roots, in this case we have:

Benefits of Roots Aerial Pruning >

Onde estamos

Av. Marquês de São Vicente, 446 – sala 509.
Várzea da Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP

R. Otto Frederico Bürguer, 274
Jardim Alvorada – Limeira/SP

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